Anime And Game Pics
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Anime and Game Pics

Here you will find Anime And Game pics...below each image theres info about it...

Final Fantasy 9

here are all the characters in FF9...FF9 is a good game but is based more in this FF the black mages and beast like people are back...This game is really cool...the way you enhance your characters here is with the items...the items give you abilities but you have to earn AP first before you can use them...this game is awesome but its easier than other FFs...

Cloud v.s Sephiroth

This pic was actually taken from Kingdom Hearts, after you defeat Sephiroth in the arena with Sora...(in the special edition of game that was released in japan)...Cloud will enter the arena and talk with Sephiroth and then they will clash in an epic battle...

Final Fantasy Advent Children

Above you can see how Cloud and Sephiroth look in the new movie FF7:Advent Children...this is the movie that every FF7 fan is waiting explains what happened after FF7, and thats what many people have been waiting for after they finished FF7...another rumor based on FF7 is that Square-Enix is gonna make a remake of FF7 with the FF10 graphics...

Final Fantasy X ( 10 )

Above you can see all the characters that you can have in your party in FF10...this game sold millions because of many reasons..some of these are the awesome graphics, great storyline, gameply and the crazy FF fans that cant be without a FF game...before it released people where getting so impatient that squaresoft had to finish the US version quickly...thats why when the characters are finished talking sometimes their lips are still moving cause they where originally disigned to talk japanese and square made the US version quickly and couldnt fix this problem...but whatever, the game is awesome and some lip moving error is not gonna change it...

Final Fantasy 8

Here you can see all the characters you can use in FFVll( 8 )...this game is one of the bestest RPGs out there...this FF is more futuristic. Like other FFs, square changed the way you enhance your characters..this time its with Junctions...junctions can really help if you know how to use them...some people didnt like this game cause of these junctions...but if you understand them they are really easy to use...if you like RPGs you will like this one...

Rurouni Kenshin

This is Kenshin from an amine series...this guy has many names Batosai the Man Slayer, Rurouni, Kenshin...This dude was first known as Batosai the Man Slayer cause he was really a bloody Man Slayer...but then he made a promise that he would never kill again...and he left that name behind...and is now known as Kenshin ,but for some he will always be BATOSAI THE MAN SLAYER...

DBZ sayians

here you see all the sayians in the anime series "DRAGONBALL Z"...the "sayians" are a race from the planet "Vegeto"...but was destroyed, so before the explosion some sayian parents send their children to another planets so the sayian race could survive...the ones you see above are all the sayians that survived...some of these sayians you see are the sons of the sayians that originally survived...